Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Jewellery stall

I had my first ever jewellery stall at a local craft fayre a couple of days ago. I didn't really know what to expect, but I was hoping I would at lest get the money back for the table, but I didn't :(. If I do any more stalls it will be large local events, specialized events (like hyper japan/comic cons) or local events near Christmas. Here's a few pictures from Sunday, 

I'm just starting to list items I made for my stall on my etsy shop link.

Rachel ox

Monday, 12 March 2012

Petticoat review

I only had a crappy petticoat from bodyline that cost me £9, which was a waste of money. It scratches your skin, mine ripped after about 4 wears and gives hardly any poof! After that I got looking for a new one, I didn't want to spend much on it though. I came across this on ebay, I got mine for a about £15, including postage because they has a sale on. It came quickly, well packaged, and stuffed into a handy bag that I've kept to save room. It dose have a nice shape to it, but isn't overly poofy. The pictures don't do much justice, but it's great for casual lolita or layering.  

without petti 
